
23nd Egri Bikavér Festival, Saint Donatus Day
11th – 14th July 2019, Érsekkert


The programs of Egri Bikavér Stage



July 11, Thursday

16.30 Hoffer tractor launch (Körcsarnok, main entrance)
17.30 Gajdos concert
19.00 Official Opening of the XXXIII. Egri Bikavér Fest , award ceremony
20.30 Budapest Swing – Jazz Steps Band concert
22.30 Gesarol concert

July 12, Friday

16.30 Hoffer tractor launching (Körcsarnok, main entrance)
17.00 Twentees concert
18.30 Valami Swing concert
20.30 Apostol concert
22.30 Majsai Gábor Swing Stars concert

July 7, Saturday

16.00 Tractors and veteran cars parade
17.00 Hoffer tractor launching (Körcsarnok, main entrance)

17.30 Perfornmance of the Csillagszeműek Egri Tagozata dance group
18.00 Egri Bikavér Knights Templar's wine knighting ceremony, announcement of th ebest Egri Bikavér wine of the festival

19.00 Vivat Bacchus Énekegyüttes concert

20.30 Balkán Fanatik concert

22.00 Announcement of the best dish of the festival

22.30 'Lobbanáspont Fire Juggler productions feat. Csakragenerátor Drum Circle' – HRT-Island

23.00 A Nyughatatlan band concert – Johnny Cash & rockabilly

July 8, Sunday

11.30 St. Donatus Celebration at the St. Donatus statue with the District Masters at the Donatus parcel, prayer to St. Donatus for a good harvest –Performance of the Egri Csillagok Folk Ensemble and the Dobó Katica Folk Ensemble
17.00 Hoffer tractor launching (Körcsarnok, main entrance)

18.30 Egri Vitézek Dalkör – Marching Songs

19.00 'Nagy ereje van a szőlő levelének..' – Performance of the Egri Csillagok Folk Ensemble and Egerszalóki Tekergő Zenekar, with the Demjéni Vagányok
20.00 X. Szepesi György Bar Musician Festival's opening concert, „Borbár"
Guest stars: Bokor Ria, Kádek Heny, Tabáni István, Weisz Viktor – – accompanied by the Gondamusic Band
22.00 Closing ceremony



Egri Csillag Stage event program



July 11, Thursday

18.00 Sárbogár
19.00 Simple Acoustic
20.00 Jet Petrol
21.30 A Kutya Vacsorája

19.00-21.00 „Szöszmötölő" – Creative program for kids

July 12, Friday – Popmeter Day

18.00 Platon Karataev akusztik
19.00 Quiet Kid& The Speakers
20.00 Lime Crush (A)
21.00 La Sabotage (A)
22.00 Mayberian Sanskülotts
23.00 Gustave Tiger

19.00-21.00 „Szöszmötölő" – Creative program for kids

July 13, Saturday

Blunt Shelter Takeover


18.40 Endless Project
19.45 Grabovski
21.00 Kései Kitérő
22.30 Ricsárdgír
00.00 Moven

19.00-21.00 „Szöszmötölő" – Creative program for kids

July 14, Sunday

Blunt Shelter Takeover


Herring Franky
Golfwagen Wolf
Cello graffiti: - 2R crew


19.00-21.00 „Szöszmötölő" – Creative program for kids




Admittance is free. We reserve the right to change the program.
There's Free WiFi available at the site of the festival.




The wine-growing
community in Eger

3300, Eger, Deák Ferenc street 51.
Tel./Fax: +36-36-411-943